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Katha Upanishad: With the Commentary of Shankaracharya

Sri Shankaracharya, Swami Gambhirananda

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This Upanishad forms a part of the Brahmana belonging to the Katha Shakha of the Krishna Yajur Veda. It stands in a class by itself. It combines charming poetry, elevating mysticism, and profound philosophy. The subject of the mystery of death is introduced through the medium of an interesting anecdote; and the teaching of the Upanishad is presented in the form of a dialogue between a mere boy, Nachiketa, and Yama, the King of Death. With the text of the Upanishad in Devanagari, a lucid and faithful translation of the text and commentary, relevant notes, reference to quotations, and index to texts, this Upanishad is a must for all students of Vedanta.
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